Saturday, September 21, 2013

Not Likely

A few minutes ago I was reading another blog and it was about weight loss and healthy eating. I would click on the recipes to see what made them healthy and the thought hit me that ya know what? There is a VERY high chance I will NEVER eat like that. And to me, that's okay. Am I adding things to my diet, I am doing my best. I eat MORE than I EVER have now, most days. We won't talk about yesterday! lol But really...I don't see me changing every single thing that I eat. I've added in more sources of protein. The shake I have once a day is....good. It's not great, it's not a yummy chocolate shake from McDonald's, but I drink it and I don't waste time. I know what the protein in the shake is going to do and THAT is what makes me grin and bear it. We have some protein bars and I've learned that it's not a tear a piece at a time and eat it slow. Nope. It's a take a bite, chew it, take a drink of water! They aren't HORRIBLE. You can't have the idea that "Oh it's just like a snickers! Surely it's YUMMY!!!" Nothin like a Snickers! It may be peanut butter and chocolate...yeah it's not anything like a Reese's either. Nope! NOTHIN like it! If a Reese's peanut butter cup and a protein bar were laid in front of me...I'd take the protein bar as hard as that would be. So I know, I'm making HUGE changes in my life and I am LOVING it, but I won't deny myself the pleasure of something that I would like to have. The last few days I have been craving a COOKIE, but it never happened and I'm okay with that. I think I'm doing well. 

I'm the only obese person at the gym that I've seen. Everyone else there is fit and thin or have 30, 40 lbs to lose. Do I hide when I go in there? No. I walk up the stairs and if people are in the room where I ride the bike, I smile at them and get on the bike and ride. A year ago, well, a year ago I wouldn't have even walked INTO a gym, so just the fact that I do THAT is a HUUUUUUUUUUUGE break through. I go get on my bike and I start riding. The other day when I got there, I walked a different way to the stairs and I passed a guy who is there often when I am and he said Hi. I replied the same and asked how he was doing. He said he'd let me know. I laughed and told him okay! I never heard, but he did fine! There are two ladies who I've met and we often chat for a minute or three when we're working out! We encourage each other and it's just a great and friendly environment. I enjoy going very much! 

Last night I didn't go until about 9:30. I got to working out and rode two miles on the bike going about 17 mph. I was beginning to think I needed my inhaler, but I kept breathing and made sure I could get that deep breath every now and then. After that I proceeded downstairs and worked my arms off. Not so much my butt, just my arms! I got home a little after 11 and soon after went to bed. 

I was asked how I motivate myself. I had to think about it for a minute, but to be honest, some days it is Just. Plain. Hard. There have been times when I wake up and all I want to do is stay in my warm bed with my Daisy dog and relax; watch some TV. But then my head clicks on and I think, I need to get up and eat so I can go to the gym. I need to eat an hour before I go. So I get up and get started on my day. Usually by 10 o'clock I'm heading out to the gym. I told my friend last night, "If I didn't see such awesome results from coming here to the gym, I don't think I'd come. This is the hardest thing I have EVER done to myself physically." It's even harder than the self-defense I took; Krav Maga. If you know what that is, and you've seen it or done it, you know that it kicks your BUTT!!! I think the difference is, I went to Krav to not get a workout, I went to learn to protect myself. With going to the gym, I'm doing this because it's healthy and it's what I need and I see EVERY SINGLE DAY how it's changing my life and body. My lower back has been giving me some issues and while standing, I put my arms behind my back and I have ZERO PROBLEMS reaching back and putting my thumbs together at my spine. AMAZING!!!!!!!!! Friday at my mom's work, I was waiting for her to get off the phone and I put my fists on my waist. I stopped and thought Wait a minute. That isn't squishy like it used to be. There's less fat there now!! It lifted my down mood quite nicely! I was beyond thrilled! 

So it may not be likely that I'll change my eating habits to PERFECT EATING, but it's VERY likely that I'll change my body to how it needs to and healthy! So if you're starting to change your diet and you feel torn...I've cut out a lot of stuff from my diet. Did I stop eating out? Nope. I used to drink Pepsi, Dr. Pepper...I stopped that and now, maybe once a day, I have a Diet Dr. Pepper. It's a nice treat and I don't allow my water intake to stop when I have one. When I need a chocolate fix, I eat a few chocolate chips. Are you asking how I can just eat a few?! It's because I put a few in my hand and put the bag back in the fridge and walk away. If you need to, go brush your teeth. That SHOULD stop you. I have friends who are emotional eaters and a lot of people are shocked when I tell them I'm not. I'm sure they're thinking're obese and you don't eat all the time? Here's some news for you...NOT eating doesn't make you lose weight and if it does, what's going to happen when you start eating again like you used to? Yep...nothing good. And you know what a HUGE change can be too? Portion control. Do you NEED seconds of spaghetti? Do you NEED a package of cookies instead of just one or two? Do you NEED a HUGE bowl of ice cream? You have to train your brain to know one is just enough. Because if you have that bag of chips on your lap while you're watching a movie or TV, or a jar of peanuts, or a bag of M&M' the end of the movie, how much do you think will be left in the bag? And if it's at night...where are all those calories you just unbeknownst to you put in your body, going to go when you crawl into bed and go to sleep? Everywhere you do not want them!! And then you'll have to go to the gym or take a long walk to work it off. 

I'll leave you with a bit of knowledge I learned from my trainer...for a person who doesn't exercise and just goes about their day as usual, THAT person needs EIGHT glasses of WATER a day. If you're a person who DOES exercise on a daily basis, you need WAAAAAAAAAAAAY more then eight glasses of water. Even the one who doesn't exercise daily...they should be drinking way more than eight glasses as well. So don't lack on water. If you read this and go "How much is enough then?" A gallon. Go for a gallon and you'll be just fine. "But I'll be in the bathroom ALL DAY!" Perhaps, but you'll also be flushing out toxins from your body. Good trade dontcha think? :) 


  1. over time your body will adjust and let you not pee as often.
    anyway i find that the diet part of my weight loss journey is the hardest. that is why i like weight watchers, they allow for you to be human and you will slip up-so its about forgiving yourself and moving forward.

  2. Exactly! My mom is wanting to get on WW and I'm more than okay with that. I've done it before and it worked amazingly well. And this time I'll have a HUGE part of the workout at the gym and I didn't have that last time. So I'm looking forward to it! I think it will actually help me because I'm tired of counting calories...I'm not watching other important things. So I think WW is the right ticket for me and my mom!
    I also notice with the water, I can drink 3 bottles and not go once, but the first time I go after that, it's ever 1/2 hour! hahahaha

  3. Think of it like a plant who's dirt has gotten very dry. At first, the water just goes right through and the dirt doesn't absorb it (that's the period of time you're peeing all the time. After a while, though, if you keep drinking the water, your tissues begin to absorb it (like the dirt around the plant roots) and your digestion starts working right again and you feel MUCH better! I've come to believe that there're not many things that can't be made better by more sleep and more water! :-)
